Wednesday, November 24, 2010

English at the University

English is a language that has grown so much that it has become almost a universal language. It is so necessary now to understand and speak English, that many doors are closed to the people who have not mastered it. That is the reason that I think that is extremely important that we as future professionals have mastered the English to face the world ahead, a world where English is a language that enables communication with almost all the countries.

A good university is one that takes care about training professionals with knowledge not only of the area in where they will work, but also in other areas. English is one of these areas, and one of the most important. Learning English enables a professional to have more opportunities to study and work abroad; enabling expands more the knowledge that they have received at the University, adding to this the experience that they acquired as a coexistence with people of other countries.

For me it is of great importance to learn English in order to travel abroad and to know how to apply what I have learned to the culture of other countries, providing my knowledge and learning of people that practice my profession in a different way or that apply another areas that I don’t know.

In this sense I am very happy with my University, because English is inserted in the curriculum of the careers, that give us a "plus" and allows us to extend our learning to other places where research and findings are more and with a bigger importance, that can provide us a much more advanced knowledge.

Another benefit of learning English in the University is that English is more inclined to the area in which we will work. Therefore, we can get a better vocabulary in health and also to learn how to speak to and care for a patient in English. This will allow in the future that if we travel to another country where English is spoken, we will don’t have so many difficulties to adapt to our workplace.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My experience blogging.

Hello everyone!! It’s time to say goodbye for now because today is my last post on this blog.
It was a good experience to write my opinion and share it openly with the other bloggers of the class of English.
I think this blog had helped me to improve my English, specially, improve my English writing.
I can not deny that often I didn’t want to post because it was necessary to translate and often I came to English classes too exhausted by the day in the university. However, I entertained the comment on the posts of my other classmates. I think that’s what I liked more and was the aim of this activity: learn to express and shared opinions with my classmates in the English language.
I think that this activity improves my English because in more of one occasion I had resort to the dictionary, so I learn a lot of new words. It helped me to write better English.
I would like that in the next course of English (Intermediate) the issues were much more open. For example I would like to talk about my favorite place or simply talk about any other issue that the bloggers wanted.

That’s all for now !
Have a nice day.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I would like to work in neonatology

When I entered to Obstetrics, I came with a vision of what I wanted to do when I finished it. Before entering to this carrer, I search a lot of information about labor camps that it had and the one I liked was the field of neonatology, this is the field in which I see myself working in seven years. I know that neonatology is an area where you have to be very responsible with the newborn, but is the area that I like more and it motivates me to study to finish the career.
Neonatology is a branch of pediatrics dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases during the first 28 days of life.
I would like to work in a public hospital or in a clinic. Really I want to work when the people need me, I don’t care when, but I want to give my help on the area of neonatology, because I think that this area is one of the most important areas of health.
In the future I would like to work in a small town; I have never liked big cities because everything is too far away!
Obviously, I would like to work in a place where my work be valued and give me a fair wage. I would also like to have nice colleagues to have a good relationship with them.
I would like to not have as many nights’ shifts, but if the people need me anytime I will be there, that is the vocation that all the health professionals should have.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The role of health professionals in the health care.

Is very important to note that health professionals are not only responsible for helping people when health is affected, is also essential to educate people especially in the field of disease prevention and maintaining of a good health.
How can we educate the people in the field of health? Providing information to people in individual consultations or even in community talks in sectors of society. for example: a school.
In the case of the midwife there is a very important role, which is educate people in the field of sexual and reproductive health.
Essentially, the midwife is who educate people in areas like contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy care, breastfeeding, newborn care, and others.
In the past, this role was not introduced in the roles of the midwifes. Because of that there were so many deaths caused by abortions. But when the education of anticonceptive methods was introduced the deads caused by abortions reduces considerably. That cause an impact in the society.
The education is very necessary, because whith it can be prevent such sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, problems before and after childbirth and even prevent the death of a person caused by abortion.
Health education is not only an important role of the midwife. It is an important role for all the health prefesionals, because with it we can educate people in all aspects and provide a better quality of life.

The society must open their mind.

In the past, the role of women and men were different from what they are now. The man was the provider of the family, the representative on the society and which supported the family economically, however the woman was the housekeeper and the responsible of the children. She had little involvement in the social field.
Today, these roles have changed considerably. Now is not only the man who keeps the family, in the work has been inserted more the women.
However, the man has not fully inserted in the care of the house and children although there are exceptions. Man is still bound only to the economic maintenance of the home.
The society has inserted into its culture the stereotype that men is the provider of the money and the woman have to care and take care of the children and home. That is a stereotype that we must delete from our minds, because the times have change.Because of this stereotype there is discrimination against women at work, for example, a man was paid more than a woman in the same office.
We must consider the men and women as beings with the same qualities. Yes, we are different in many areas but in the case of the roles we play in society we have the same capabilities.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Eating is a guilty pleasure!

One of the big pleasures is eating. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love to eat.
Personally, I have to say that I love to eat. I like all kinds of food, I like a lot the pasta, my favourite food for a lunch is lasagne, I like to eat it in a restaurant called: “La casa della Nonna”. I like a lot sweet food too, like candies and cakes. Every day I need to eat a piece of chocolate! But if there is a food that makes me crazy is the cake that prepares my grandmother. It’s a family recipe and is the most delicious cake in the world.
For me the most important food is the breakfast. All the mornings I prepare a nutritional breakfast consisting in milk with cereal, a toast with jam and a glass of natural juice. I drink three glasses of milk every day (I like a lot the milk) and I try to have a healthy alimentation and I think that this is the reason because I have a nice health.
Everyone have a guilty pleasure and I have to admit that I love the fast food! Especially pizza.But I know that is an enemy of the good health so I try to avoid it.
Since I came to university , I've increased my intake of fast food. I think it is because buy it there it´s easier than take it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I will be a midwife

The midwife is the person who accompanies the whole process of gestation of the women and their family.
From the moment a woman realizes she is pregnant, the midwife accompanies and guides the process of gestation. Bringing to them the technic admonishing and teaching the necessary to have a successful pregnancy or accompanied in the antepartum, labour and postpartum.
I want to be a midwife because I like being in the moment of birth and accompany women to make this a pleasant and happy moment of his life.
Another reason that motivates me to be midwife is to encourage hospitals to provide a decent labour for awoman. Stop treating a woman as a patient more among all the others who go to hospital.
I want to help other midwives to promote and convince the chilean women to have their children throght normal delivery because they prefered the cesarean.
I think being a midwife is one of the most beautiful decision I made in my life because I feel that I can be more than a midwife, I can be a companion and a friend.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The midwife who encouraged me to study obstetrics

I was twelve years old when I met Monica Leiva. She was thirty years old and she was a metwife.

I met her at my churche. She was sitting next to me and I noticed she had a book of Medicine. I asked her if she was a Doctor and she answered to me with a smile: "No, I am a metwife".

She told me everything about the carrer and why she studied Obstetrics:

She said that she studied obstetrics because she know that her vocation would be receiving the new God's creatures. She loved her career and her job. She was in charge of maternity and neonatology at Aysen's Hospital.

In a short time, I became very fond of her and I visited her to her house and her job. One day she let me see her working and she was very good on her job. She was very confident with her patients and they appreciated her work. On that day I realized that my vocation would be the service to people.

Monica Leiva still working at Aysen's Hospital and I could see that she likes what she do. Thanks to her I take this decision and I don't regret it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My hobbies

In my free time I like to be in my bedroom and listen to the music I like more. When I am alone, I like to interpret the songs imagining that I am doing my own video clip. It's very funny.
Another thing that I like to do in my free time is watch movies. I love the movies. My favorites are "Gladiator" and "The life is beautiful".
When I have a lot of free time I like to go out with my friends, especially with my girlfriends. We are a group called "Pollas Siniestras" and we have a lot of fun together. When we go out, we like to go shopping, go to the bowling, eat pizza, or simply go to the parks and make a picnic. We also like to organize sleepovers with a lot of music and a lot of food (fastfood especially). I like very much those meetings because we don’t sleep and we talk and laugh a lot all the night.
I have a special hobbie that I do since I was 8 years old: I have my own diary and I write on it every week. I write about my life, my thoughts and my feelings and when I have time I read it and I remember all the things that have happened in my life.
If I have to mention another hobbie I can say that is chat with my friends on internet or visit my facebook. Lately I visit a lot my facebook, it has become an addiction.
I am not very good in sports. When I was a child I did ballet and rhythmic gymnastics. But when I grow up I let them and now I am very lazy. In the summer I go jogging every morning, but its only in the summer!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earthquake 27-02-2010

I was having a beautiful dream when suddenly the earth began to shake. I stood up of my bed and I put my shoes. My father was screaming: " Get out of the house! Its a earthquake!" All my family ran to the outside. My mother was crying and my little brother was very scared. In that moment the only thing that I did was pray with my mother.
Suddenly the movement of the earth stopped and my brother Matias began to laugh. All my family looked him and my mother said: "Why do you laugh? Its not funny!" and my brother responded:" Because its my first earthquake and it was so cool! I want another one!!"
I felt very scared. There was a moment when I thought we were going to die. But I was glad to know that my friends and family were well!
I never imagined the magnitude of the earthquake. I still can not believe it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My own blog!!!

Well hello!!! Welcome to my blog!
My name is Constanza Galarce. I am 18 years old and I am studing obstetrics in University of Chile. Today is the first time that I used my blog, I don't know how to used it but I will try to learn.
I created my own blog because I have to used it in a activity on my corse of English. I hope that this activity help me to have a better english.
So let's get started!
See you!