Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Eating is a guilty pleasure!

One of the big pleasures is eating. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love to eat.
Personally, I have to say that I love to eat. I like all kinds of food, I like a lot the pasta, my favourite food for a lunch is lasagne, I like to eat it in a restaurant called: “La casa della Nonna”. I like a lot sweet food too, like candies and cakes. Every day I need to eat a piece of chocolate! But if there is a food that makes me crazy is the cake that prepares my grandmother. It’s a family recipe and is the most delicious cake in the world.
For me the most important food is the breakfast. All the mornings I prepare a nutritional breakfast consisting in milk with cereal, a toast with jam and a glass of natural juice. I drink three glasses of milk every day (I like a lot the milk) and I try to have a healthy alimentation and I think that this is the reason because I have a nice health.
Everyone have a guilty pleasure and I have to admit that I love the fast food! Especially pizza.But I know that is an enemy of the good health so I try to avoid it.
Since I came to university , I've increased my intake of fast food. I think it is because buy it there it´s easier than take it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I will be a midwife

The midwife is the person who accompanies the whole process of gestation of the women and their family.
From the moment a woman realizes she is pregnant, the midwife accompanies and guides the process of gestation. Bringing to them the technic admonishing and teaching the necessary to have a successful pregnancy or accompanied in the antepartum, labour and postpartum.
I want to be a midwife because I like being in the moment of birth and accompany women to make this a pleasant and happy moment of his life.
Another reason that motivates me to be midwife is to encourage hospitals to provide a decent labour for awoman. Stop treating a woman as a patient more among all the others who go to hospital.
I want to help other midwives to promote and convince the chilean women to have their children throght normal delivery because they prefered the cesarean.
I think being a midwife is one of the most beautiful decision I made in my life because I feel that I can be more than a midwife, I can be a companion and a friend.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The midwife who encouraged me to study obstetrics

I was twelve years old when I met Monica Leiva. She was thirty years old and she was a metwife.

I met her at my churche. She was sitting next to me and I noticed she had a book of Medicine. I asked her if she was a Doctor and she answered to me with a smile: "No, I am a metwife".

She told me everything about the carrer and why she studied Obstetrics:

She said that she studied obstetrics because she know that her vocation would be receiving the new God's creatures. She loved her career and her job. She was in charge of maternity and neonatology at Aysen's Hospital.

In a short time, I became very fond of her and I visited her to her house and her job. One day she let me see her working and she was very good on her job. She was very confident with her patients and they appreciated her work. On that day I realized that my vocation would be the service to people.

Monica Leiva still working at Aysen's Hospital and I could see that she likes what she do. Thanks to her I take this decision and I don't regret it.