Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My experience blogging.

Hello everyone!! It’s time to say goodbye for now because today is my last post on this blog.
It was a good experience to write my opinion and share it openly with the other bloggers of the class of English.
I think this blog had helped me to improve my English, specially, improve my English writing.
I can not deny that often I didn’t want to post because it was necessary to translate and often I came to English classes too exhausted by the day in the university. However, I entertained the comment on the posts of my other classmates. I think that’s what I liked more and was the aim of this activity: learn to express and shared opinions with my classmates in the English language.
I think that this activity improves my English because in more of one occasion I had resort to the dictionary, so I learn a lot of new words. It helped me to write better English.
I would like that in the next course of English (Intermediate) the issues were much more open. For example I would like to talk about my favorite place or simply talk about any other issue that the bloggers wanted.

That’s all for now !
Have a nice day.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I would like to work in neonatology

When I entered to Obstetrics, I came with a vision of what I wanted to do when I finished it. Before entering to this carrer, I search a lot of information about labor camps that it had and the one I liked was the field of neonatology, this is the field in which I see myself working in seven years. I know that neonatology is an area where you have to be very responsible with the newborn, but is the area that I like more and it motivates me to study to finish the career.
Neonatology is a branch of pediatrics dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases during the first 28 days of life.
I would like to work in a public hospital or in a clinic. Really I want to work when the people need me, I don’t care when, but I want to give my help on the area of neonatology, because I think that this area is one of the most important areas of health.
In the future I would like to work in a small town; I have never liked big cities because everything is too far away!
Obviously, I would like to work in a place where my work be valued and give me a fair wage. I would also like to have nice colleagues to have a good relationship with them.
I would like to not have as many nights’ shifts, but if the people need me anytime I will be there, that is the vocation that all the health professionals should have.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The role of health professionals in the health care.

Is very important to note that health professionals are not only responsible for helping people when health is affected, is also essential to educate people especially in the field of disease prevention and maintaining of a good health.
How can we educate the people in the field of health? Providing information to people in individual consultations or even in community talks in sectors of society. for example: a school.
In the case of the midwife there is a very important role, which is educate people in the field of sexual and reproductive health.
Essentially, the midwife is who educate people in areas like contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy care, breastfeeding, newborn care, and others.
In the past, this role was not introduced in the roles of the midwifes. Because of that there were so many deaths caused by abortions. But when the education of anticonceptive methods was introduced the deads caused by abortions reduces considerably. That cause an impact in the society.
The education is very necessary, because whith it can be prevent such sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, problems before and after childbirth and even prevent the death of a person caused by abortion.
Health education is not only an important role of the midwife. It is an important role for all the health prefesionals, because with it we can educate people in all aspects and provide a better quality of life.

The society must open their mind.

In the past, the role of women and men were different from what they are now. The man was the provider of the family, the representative on the society and which supported the family economically, however the woman was the housekeeper and the responsible of the children. She had little involvement in the social field.
Today, these roles have changed considerably. Now is not only the man who keeps the family, in the work has been inserted more the women.
However, the man has not fully inserted in the care of the house and children although there are exceptions. Man is still bound only to the economic maintenance of the home.
The society has inserted into its culture the stereotype that men is the provider of the money and the woman have to care and take care of the children and home. That is a stereotype that we must delete from our minds, because the times have change.Because of this stereotype there is discrimination against women at work, for example, a man was paid more than a woman in the same office.
We must consider the men and women as beings with the same qualities. Yes, we are different in many areas but in the case of the roles we play in society we have the same capabilities.